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Providing good and healthy education is the way to have a better future for the country by getting the youngsters ready for the future. Education has become somewhat daunting in some countries for some students because of which the students are either in depression or does not like to study and fail to finish the basic education. 

First of all, i discuss the reasons as to why the education system and most importantly the education becomes a challenge for the students. I have completed my school eduction from a private school in India. I was myself a failure until the 6th standard and was scared of the education and even going to the school. As per my experience and all that i remember, i was classified as the poor student with some learning difficulties. However, it was not the problem with me but it was probably because of the strict education system which just revolved around academics without discussing the ideas and without encourage students to discuss the business ideas.  

Being strict to children is good but that strictness can mar the future of the students. If only thing that students learn at school is History, Maths, Science and other academic subjects, they do not get room for their own personal growth and development. The rule that the students would not be permitted to play games or participate in sports activities discourages the students to study and think about their future. The worst thing that students have to go through in India and some other countries whilst at school is that they study at school until 3:00pm and then go to tuition until 8:00pm. The daily routine leaves no time for the students to enjoy their life and interact with themselves rather than only interacting with the books.

All such rules that are made to encourage the students to study become the reason for their lack of interest in the education.  As a result the students go in depression and spend most of their teenage following the same routine and in depression. Moreover, no school has ever taught the students how to get a job or start a business. Only thing that teachers, head teachers think of is how to make students get highest grades in school, city, state and at the national level and so on.

Students forget to laugh and enjoy their childhood and teenage under the burden of the daunting education system. Delhi Education Minister, Manish Sisodia has announced the launch of a new program/ 'A Course In Happiness'.

This aims to make students stress free by providing guidance under the trained teacher to teach them how to smile, meditate and decrease stress, anxiety in their lives. Other steps could be taken by the government or particularly by the schools to make sure education becomes an interesting thing for students rather than a torture. This could be done by getting students to study the subjects of their choice from 8th standard onwards rather then making them study all the compulsory subjects in which they have little or no interest. Furthermore, the schools should promote the value of discussing the business ideas with the students which help them to think rationally and become innovative.

Students should be taught to stay out of the rat race and become innovative and think wisely for their future. Teachers should support the students and help them to get ready to face the real world after school rather than just encouraging them to get higher marks.


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