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1. YouTube Videos and alternatives - If you want to make an income online with videos, then you can start a YouTube channel and monetise it. Everyone has interests and passion in something and you could use your passion to make money for yourself. You could make gaming channel, fitness channel, educational channel or a comedy channel depending on your interest. You can earn money by sitting at home.  There are other alternatives for business video hosting which are Vimeo, Wistia, Sprout Video, Viddler and many more out there.

2. Testing out Websites and mobile Apps for money - There are companies that pay you for testing the websites. UserTesting, Whatusersdo, UserTest and Enroll are such companies which hire website testers. There are websites such as AppCoiner, Test Birds and Elusive starts which are app testing companies. When you review the apps and provide honest feedback, you get paid for feedback provided. Another place where you could go to test some apps is Ferpection which pays 10 euros which is almost $12 and the top earners get 10 tasks per month, totalling almost $120.

3. Selling Art and your photos online Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sell your art and earn money? You could sell handcrafts on amazon or other websites to use your passion to earn money. Sometimes, the pictures which you think are of no use can help you make money. There are number of websites such as Fotolia, Alamy, Shutterstock, Dreamstime, iStockphoto where you could sell your pictures for more cash with less work.

4. Selling Knowledge and start a blog - If you have a good knowledge on an any academic subject or any other area you could start courses online. One way to sell knowledge is in the way of ebooks which range from long and thorough to short and concise. If you have an interest in writing and if time allows you, then you could start a blogs which can be done free of cost at However, if you would like to do it at wordpress, then it costs money but it will be worth spending on it.

5. Selling Opinion and becoming a market research participant - Selling your advice is probably one of the best online business to start with if you have little money to invest in your business or you want to start making money quick. Opinions can be sold online by online surveys. You could partake in paid research studies. Moreover, giving feedback on products and services and get paid for your feedback. Your opinion is valuable to brands all over the world. By participating in such related studies, you could earn extra income just for sharing your honest opinion. 

So, these are the unique ideas which you can use to earn money online. 


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